Monday, April 28, 2014

Basic Dust Deputy DIY Collection System

My first blog.

I’ve just recently gotten into woodworking and quickly realized that even small projects create a lot of dust. And since I have two little girls in the house and I have asthma, I decided that I couldn’t keep working without some sort of dust collection system.

I don’t have much space, and I didn’t want to spend tons of money, so I decided on the Dust Deputy DIY. It’s pretty basic: Shop-Vac, large plastic bucket (I was going to use a 5-gallon paint bucket but I found a 10, 15 gallon maybe, chlorine bucket from a pool supply store), some 2 inch PVC, a 10 foot flexible hose, some MDF and some small casters so I can move it around.

Here is the finished product:

Here are the results of my first trial run.

This is the dust that I had in a separate bucket that I used for my test:

This is my Shop-Vac before:

Here is the dust going around the Dust Deputy:

Here is the large bucket with all the dust:

And here is the very small amount of dust that made it into the shop-vac:
This was a dry-fit test run, so none of the PVC was sealed and I haven’t tested the seal of the bucket. So with a little tinkering I hope to reduce the amount of dust getting into the shop-vac to nearly nothing.


Basic Dust Deputy DIY Collection System

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