I’ve been tossing a bunch of ideas around for a stand for my planer. Even bought a plan for a flip-top cart to hold the planer and a sander I will eventually purchase. I decided not to build that and go with something small and functional that will fit under my table saw.
After taking some rough measurements, and drawing a little sketch on napkin, I headed to HD to grab a sheet of maple ply.
I knew I wanted it about 11” high. Then with 3.5” castors and the 20” planer it’ll be about 35” high or so and will fit comfortably under the wing of the TS.
Also I figured about 26” wide and 20” deep should give me a little room and make it a bit more stable with the planer bolted on it.
I then started cutting up the ply and got all pieces done…
Happy, thinking everything was well on the way, I set up the dado stack and began making all the dados for the whole stand. I then attempted a dry fit and much to my disappointment, I realized I made a total noob mistake and forgot to account for the dados. the 2 sides fit in nicely to the bottom but the back was 3/4” short… I cursed and MFd myself for making a stupid mistake. I thought about making it work and just running it like that. That idea didn’t last long and decided I just had to recut the rest of the pieces and take it as a learning experience.
I recut all the needed pieces and made my dados. I started the glue up and now added the castors on.
I then sanded it down with my mouse sander with 80g, 120g, and 220g.
I put a sealer coat of spray shellac on it and decided to mess around with the finish a little. I had some left over brown paint and some black spray paint and decided to use both, not sure what this technique is called, but kinda spot painted streaks in the whole cart. 1 coat black, then brown, and then filled in any gaps with black again.
Now I’m finishing it with spray poly… I put 2 coats on and the next day sanded with 220g. Then added another coat and went over with 320g. Another coat of poly let dry and will hit with 400g. I have some 1000g wet/dry paper that I’m going to try as well… I also have some pumice stone and rotten stone that I’m going to attempt to bring this piece to a high gloss. (basically just for practice)
I also bought some full extension drawer slides and will attempt to make my first real drawer with slides… I’m going to edge the top with a piece of poplar I have and will probably make the pulls with it as well.
Hopefully I can have it all done in a few days, but tonight is my Monday so time is a little tight.
#6 reminder to myself, don't forget to account for dados
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