I written before about using all your space. When you have a small shop and you keep on acquiring more and more stuff you must have a way to store it handy but out of the way. This may seem unimportant when you have a bunch of room but to all you others try these.
Now if I can get the sleds to show their not pretty but they work for me.
Have seen some ideas for storing sleds lately but those places were already taken in my shop. I did spot a blank place under the floor model drill press where I used to have a small cabinet that was in the way. Mounted two pieces of 2 X 4 with slots cut into them to onto the base of the DP and whata ya know four of my daily used sleds fit right there with in six feet of my saw.
I have had three battery drill/drivers setting on the table top (in the way and always getting knocked over) beside the dewalt power shop. Finally saw the small triangle area under the dust pipe and dust shield for the saw. With some shop scrap made a custom sized drill cabinet unit.
Just look around and you may be surprised at the spaces you will use.
Thanks for looking and any comments.
Small shop --Small spaces
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