Sunday, January 12, 2014

Just for Fun... #82: Well, Looky Here!!

When Brother David, the Patron, isn’t busy nailing his trusses to the floor of his shop and grading himself harshly on his accomplishments, he continues to think of his Friends…
Yesterday, I was the recipient of another “CARE” package from the high deserts of New Mexico…
In it, were these bits of Treasure…

It’s Rosewood, and some of the last of his Private Stock… Thanks (again!) David for your thoughtfulness and generosity!
By E-mail, he was actually trying to apologize for some Void that showed up as he planed it!

But I ask you, isn’t that why we love Wood in the first place, because of it’s flaws and imperfections?

I’m anxious to re-saw the Rosewood, and see what lies within, but the New Job has left me precious little spare time lately… Maybe tomorrow I can squeeze in a “Shop Hour” or two…

I did manage to bang out a quick Gift project for my Younger Brother and his Wife for Christmas… It was another Grocery List/Letter Holder thing, this time made from Walnut…

It was finished so close to the day of, I didn’t even get a picture of it with the finish on it! Actually delivered it after Work, Christmas Morning, on my way home (at about 4:00 AM)…
Almost like the Big Guy in the Red Suit, with the Beard…

I’ve mentioned Work here, a couple of times; the New Job is going famously!
I’m enjoying it very much, and they are very happy to have me… always a good situation!
There is something there that I just had to share, and that any Wood enthusiast can appreciate…

Now THIS, is a Cutting Board!

The company name burnt into it is “Boos Blocks”, and a quick search revealed that they have been at this sort of thing since 1887… Their Website lists the top of this one at 24” x 24”,
made from 10” of 1 3/8” Walnut strips, all glued up end grain… Again, per their site, the shipping weight is 166 lbs….
Working on it, is like pounding on an Anvil!
They know their stuff too, it is exactly the right height (34”) for long duration work… Those of us who have spent large portions of a day preparing food, quickly discover good tables from bad! As little as a half inch too-high or too-low can cause back troubles, shoulder soreness, tendon strain in the elbows, wrists and hands… Even Leg and Foot Problems!
This one, is as good as they get… :)
11 January 2014


Just for Fun... #82: Well, Looky Here!!

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