Sunday, January 12, 2014

Just Updates #5: The Big City

LJ Family,

Thank you for your patience! Much has happened! Last Saturday T was discharged from the hospital in Reno even though she had a low grade fever and her labs were climbing. It was like since they could not figure the problem out they sent us home! 12 hours later we were back in our local hospital! Two days later we flew to Cal. Pacific University Medical Center in San Francisco where t had surgery the next day. She has a great team of liver specialists working on her and we will not leave until they figure it all out. She is recovering slowly, but her numbers are looking better! And we are together!

This is the view from our room! The Golden Gate is beautiful, though I told her I would have preferred seeing in again when we where on vacation instead:). (I’m sorry I still can’t figure out how to turn my picture!)

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement!



Just Updates #5: The Big City

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