Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Time to make some changes to the shop. #3: Not much new here.... But time to make some room.


Well… I’m sure you are very surprised to find that I haven’t gotten very far on my shop changes. I’ve been so busy with the projects for Christmas and other things that I haven’t gotten far. But it’s definitely in the front of my mind.

There’s been no progress on the workbencch being torn out. In fact… the small section that I did tear out has now become a place that gathers… “things”. I did some shop clean up after the holidays. But it’s made me realize that I need to do an even larger clean up.

So here’s where I’m at… Today has been one of those days. School was cancelled. My older kids are at their dads but my youngest is home with me today. So we’ve been just chilling out today. He is 5 and very independent… which is why he’s made it very clear than I am to stay out of his way. Tried to watch a movie with him. Tried to play with him… He’s like.. .”mom… I’m going to play in my room. I dont need anything right now.” Come on.. what five year old talks like that? Mine! LOL.

So.. I’ve been watching him play and scouring the webs for ideas. Pinterest definitely makes the time FLY by. Soon he will be going to his dads and I will be….. IN THE SHOP!!!

Let me add this… We are experiencing a bit of a heat wave right now… yesterday it was -7 and today… it’s 9. So yeah… we are almost in the double digits. And here in Southern Indiana… an inch of snow and those temps means that there is no school and absolutely no bread at the local walmart. (weird enough.. no bananas either).

Luckily… the shop has a heater. So when i do go out.. it will be warm enough. The problem with scouring the web for ideas… is getting too many ideas. Right now I have plenty of bigger things on my list that I’d like to make. But my shop is cluttered. The first thing I need to do is make some progress on those scraps.

This is only a small pic of the mess. Of course I did clean up a bit.

But again… this is half of the stash. I have more 2

Time to make some changes to the shop. #3: Not much new here.... But time to make some room.

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