Friday, January 10, 2014

What do you do when you have more tools than space?

You make more space of course! Get rid of tools . . . what are you, nuts?! For me, I needed to clear floor space in order to get bigger tools back against the walls, get them on wheels, and create some storage underneath them. But to do that, I needed to learn how to make cabinets. Because there’s no way in hell I’m paying for cabinets! I’m a semi-competent-carpenter-wanna-be-woodworker with a fair share of self respect after all. So I bought a Freud rail and stile bit set and got to work. First, I started with my router table.

When my new Rockler top, plate, and fence came in, I made a new base for it from scrap, keeping the hinged box part, which works great. I use scrap for everything I possibly can – I hate buying new wood. I just figure out a way to make it work with what I have available. Into the base I made and mounted two drawers. The top drawer is “sealed” off from the rest of the cabinet below. That way, all of the chips and dust not grabbed by the dust collector hooked into the fence fall into the top drawer, which I can then pull out and vacuum out. The stand included my first set of cope and stick doors, just 3/4” poplar with scrap plywood panels. If I had been thinking clearly, I would have made inset doors to match the drawers, or vice versa. But hey, it works, and once again I learned a valuable lesson on this project.

But could I make a cabinet someone else would want to use in their house, with higher tolerances and better overall look? Where do you try such an experiment? Your in-laws’ house of course! We had just finished drywalling the new garage my father-in-law had built and the new subpanel was just sitting in the center of a hole in the wall. I told them I could make a cabinet to enclose it and they said sure. Rather than using the rail and stile bits, I just made this door on the table saw, using it to create the tenons and the groove for the

What do you do when you have more tools than space?

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