Saturday, December 28, 2013

Building a Chevalet de Marqueterie #8: Bolting everything together

Before moving on, I needed to get everything together in such a way that it wont fall apart on me as I test and fit everything. So I went to the hardware store to buy nuts and bolts. But the bolts were too expensive as I am working on a limited budget. So I bought threaded rod instead..

And the used my brace and drilled all the holes, and then cut the rod to fit and bolted it all together.
Here is the main column with the spacer and the front leg,

Then the face plate holding on the arm, and the clamp arm.

Drilled the hole for the chain in the seat, and made the foot clamp and guide block,

Then I drilled the hole for the wheels and glued in the axles,

Drawing the faces for the clamp.

I also drilled some holes in the support arm and screwed in some inset nuts for the vertical and horizontal adjustors. Bringing it all together to this point..

I am at the point where I need to start making the saw frame and the saw frame hardware. Now.. this is where I am at a distinct disadvantage. I have never seen a completed one of these in person, let alone use one. Even though I have the internet and email and lots of other resources, having some sort of personal experience with one would be the best resource of all.


Building a Chevalet de Marqueterie #8: Bolting everything together

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