Monday, May 26, 2014

An interesting moment.

Whilst doing the joinery on a recent project, I noticed something by accident which struck me after so many years. With mallet in one hand and chisel in the other, I was moving the chisel to the line I needed to trim. The bottoms of my chisels are polished to a mirror finish so as I approached the scribed line, it picked up the reflection from the line. Of course, as the chisel approaches the exact spot, the lines marry, become one and the trimming incision is precise.

I feel the need to smack myself for not noticing it after so many years, but can only explain it as the light perhaps falling at just the right angle.

Small thought as many of us work quietly in our own spaces and perhaps I reinvented the wheel……but, it was one of the cherished simple moments.


An interesting moment.

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