Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A safety reminder. I did something stupid and had a close call...


I have been wondering if I should mention this, and I figure somebody might read this and have this click if and when they try to do the stupid thing I did…

Simply put, I tried cutting too short of a piece of SCH20 PVC pipe on the miter saw, holding it by hand… The pipe twisted, and before I knew it my fingers were touching the side of the blade…

I came out of this with no damage (Thank you God!) but more than a little rattled…

I knew the safety warnings, and somehow brain, and hand were not engaging properly at the time…

So as a gentle reminder, on modern miter saws, they have that “No hands” zone marked on the table for a reason. Keep your digits free and clear of that area!

FWIW, I did manage to finish the cut… by hand with a pull saw, on the bench vise…

So the lesson I learned from this experience?

THINK BEFORE POWERING UP ANY POWER TOOLS! For that matter, ANY TOOL THAT CAN HARM powered or not requires thought before use…

Please, please, please do NOT repeat what I did. I got off lucky by the grace of God, that’s it… you may not…

Source: LumberJocks.com

A safety reminder. I did something stupid and had a close call...

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